Quotes I follow


I’ve been trying to simplify my life recently. My 30 day challenges have been working, amazingly I recommend them highly. It’s a difficult week so I am just going to follow up with some of my favorite quotes.

The world is changing by your examples not by your opinion – Paulo Coelho

We are always getting ready to live, but never living – R.W.E.

Never regret a day in your life, good days give happiness, bad days give experience. worst days give lessons and best days gives memories.- Paul Coelho

Don’t wait for the right opportunity…Create it.. G.B.S.

“Just remember that every day you live, you make an impact on the planet. You can’t help making an impact, and you have a choice as to what sort of impact you make.” – Jane Goodall

Be Kind πŸ’š 🀟 Be Grateful πŸ’š 🀟
Being the Change 🌎