I’m two weeks into my year with 50 more to go..To be completely honest I can’t wait! I can say that my mood has changed for the better. The first week of walking was a challenge. My legs were sore, (still a bit but much better) especially the hips and thighs. I’ve been walking from 6.7 to 15 + Km a day. I will be increasing it a little weekly, Although through the winter months I will cut it down and add more exercises. I have been doing exercises every day but Sunday (see the schedule) Monday, Wednesday and Friday I started doing yoga at night. (Yoga with Adriene online) Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Will be working on my flexibility/Stretching. (TBA)
I’m working on getting a solid nights sleep, breathing and pain is tricky at night. I started two online ASL. Also on Monday I started drinking green tea. 3 cups a day and it has been great. I cut down on social media… It’s not so social or helpful. I need to focus more on my reading and writing.
In The next 2 weeks I will limit my social media to 10 to 15 minutes a day. And read and write more.
I have a quasi/risky idea I’ve been thinking about… I will put it in motion as soon as I do some research and learn about it. (Next post)
I’ve said this two weeks ago and I am more determined to no longer settle for the life I’ve been living.
The past two weeks have shown me that it is possible.and I am so excited to see what is the next 50 weeks brings.
Be Kind 💚 Be Grateful 💚 Be Love 💚
Be the Change 🌎 Carpe Diem Always 🤟