A list of hope


Things are… slowly moving quickly, (if that makes sense.)
The things I want to accomplish are moving slowly, compared to things I don’t want, are moving quickly. That would be a better description of what I’m trying to say.
I am going to be more specific about what I want to accomplish. Having a Goal without a endpoint or directions is impossible. So I have one and work extra hard
For my Goals to become reality.

To be in the best shape of my life Mind and Body

A:) I want to have 10 to 15 % BMI
B:) I want to be able to do 50 pushups (min)
C:) I want to be able to do 20 pull-ups (min)
D:) To have read the books on my list and have a book full of ideas.
E:) To be able to sleep peacefully all night
F:) To be able to see the start of my six pack
G:) To be able to swim a 1000m without losing breath

To learn ASL and to Write more Proficient
A:) To be able to have a “normal” complete conversation in ASL in any subject.

K or _____
Not up to me. Always Hopeful

To make at least 250.00+ a month
Have yet to start.

Some dreams I want to be able to make true

A:) To see the Northern lights.
B:) To do the Camino de Santiago/Pilgrimage way
C:) To volunteer on the Rainbow Warrior
D:) To see whales in the pacific ocean
E:) To own a 40’sailboat (live aboard)
F:) To grow and develop a healthy tea.
G:) To create something that will make a difference

Be Kind 💚 Be Grateful 💚 Be Love 💚 Be the Change 🌎 Carpe Diem Always 🤟